Lake-Cook Reporting is now hiring for Chicago court reporter jobs in the city and suburbs.
At Lake-Cook Reporting, we’re always looking for hard-working and dedicated court reporters. We’re currently hiring Chicago-area court reporters to work with us for trials and depositions. We have a variety of assignments at our office in Bannockburn, Illinois along with cases in the city, surrounding suburbs, and elsewhere.
Due to recent efforts to grow and expand our business, we’ve begun to receive a good deal of out of state court reporting work. This is due in part to our proximity to O’Hare International Airport, video conferencing capabilities, and legal video recording. Our office is also situated near many major hospitals and businesses, leading to numerous depositions of expert witnesses, intellectual property litigation, and patent law cases.
Because of this, we’re hiring quality individuals for Chicago court reporter jobs in the city and surrounding area.
Our company takes pride in treating our reporters well. Lake-Cook Reporting is owned by a veteran court reporter, Carla Letellier, who understands the pressures and needs of other reporters. Because of this, we can bring an attention to detail on a personal level that the nationally owned agencies struggle with.
We provide a number of benefits and incentives to our court reporters. Our agency pays its court reporter’s invoices within 30 days, provides a stipend for no-writes in court (upon the presentment of your invoice), and takes care of all printing/binding/scanning work.
Our agency sits on the cutting edge of industry technology, which helps our court reporters provide new and innovative services. We also offer competitive rates for our court reporters and provide an in-house IT staff for no-drama realtime reporting, general technical questions, and more.
Why get lost in the shuffle of the national agencies when you can work with a high-quality regional agency like Lake-Cook Reporting instead? For Chicago court reporter jobs and more, we provide only the best for both our clients and our reporters.
If you think you fit the bill and want to work for us taking on Chicago court reporter jobs, contact our office at this online form or call us directly at (847) 236-0773.