Our nationwide court reporting agency schedules depositions anywhere you need us.

Nationwide court reporting agency with video conferencing, legal videography, and more across the country.
At Lake Cook Reporting, we pride ourselves in being able to handle any case at any time with our nationwide court reporting agency partnerships. Beyond the video conferencing, legal video, realtime, and other solutions we offer in Chicago, we also work nationally or internationally with other firms across the country.
We achieve this one of two ways. Reporters and videographers from our agency can travel to any location. We’ve previously done work across the country as well as in Canada and Mexico. The other solution is through networking with other agencies nationwide.
We Listen To You: A personalized touch for our nationwide court reporting services without getting lost in the shuffle.
All the perks of a nationwide agency from a small but capable family-owned business.
Call, Email, or Schedule With Us Today.
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